Book Notes: Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

Structured book notes for Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks, one of the best storytelling technique books.

Book Notes: Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

Storytelling is the most underrated skill in history. An okay engineer with storytelling skills will get a job that a great engineer without them fails to get. To many employers, those hard skills are teachable; soft skills like storytelling are "unteachable". 

Don't believe me? Listen to Professor Scott Galloway talking about the importance of being a good storyteller:

Recently, I read one of the greatest books on breaking down the skills of storytelling - Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks. I wrote down detailed and structured notes while reading, and I hope you will find it helpful too. 

But before you dive in, and if you don't plan to read the whole thing, just remember this: 

A story is about CHANGE. The main character MUST experience some sort of change. Without it, you don't have a story. 

Now enjoy. And if you like, reach out on X and I'd love to discuss the book.

Storyworthy Book Notes