Finance Cash Flow Statement Importance Net cash flow can be calculated from balance sheet alone. Then why do we need a separate financial statement - cash flow statement? Read on.
Finance What is Cash Flow Statement? What is cash flow statement? Similar to how you bookkeep your own expenses for the house, you can do the same for your business.
Finance How Tax and Profit Distribution Affect Financial Statements After paying all the expenses and taxes, we've managed to get some profit. How does profit distribution affect balance sheet and income statement?
Finance Research and Development Expenses Accounting Treatment: Intangible Assets or Expenses? Should research and development expenses be treated as expenses or intangible assets? This one explains the concept in depth.
Finance How Sales Affect Balance Sheet and Income Statement Once you make a sales, you move some of your inventory (balance sheet) into cost of goods sold (income statement). But how does a sale affect these financial statements exactly? Read more.
Technology Baby Vocab Solution - Stanford Code in Place The Baby Vocab Problem is optional after you've taken all lessons and learnings in Week 6 of Stanford Code in Place. In Week 6 you should have learned about List and Dictionary, both extremely useful.
Finance Variable cost vs. Fixed cost: Is Higher Gross Profit Always a Good Thing? Variable cost vs. fixed cost is one of the most important concepts in managing a company. Knowing it will help entrepreneurs make smarter decisions.
Technology Spread Beepers Solution Spread Beepers is a problem in the Stanford Code in Place course. Learn how to use decomposition to solve the problem.
Finance How Raw Material Procurement and Manufacturing Affect Balance Sheet If you have read my last post, you know that our fictional
Finance How to Prepare Balance Sheet - Using a Company's Creation as Example Having a financial mindset helps an entrepreneur build resource allocation skills and judgments. Here we discuss how to prepare balance sheet to help cultivate that understanding.
Technology Fill Karel Solution Fill Karel is a Python problem in the Stanford Code in Place Online course. Read more on how to solve this problem with a universal solution by decomposition.
Technology Piles Karel and the Art and Skill of Universal Solution Piles Karel is part of the Stanford Code in Place curriculum and by solving this problem in a strategic way, we learn the art and skill of universal solution.